Getting Acquainted

Due to Brother Maynard’s latest campaign, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself to any of you who are new to this blog. Since my profile is fairly sketchy, here are a few of the basics of who I am.

I would say that I am a student of the emerging/missional conversation.The aspect of emerging that I relate to is the willingness to deconstruct established structures and paradigms of church in order to reimagine the possibilities of what church could/should be.

I am a missional wannabe. Aware of my own tendencies toward selfishness, I am praying (begging) for a deeper revelation and understanding of God’s missional nature and a greater expression of being missional in my life.


Currently reading –
Forgotten Way – Alan Hirsch
Rules of Engagement – Derek Prince

Recently read –
Dreaming with God – Bill Johnson
Permission Granted – Graham Cooke
Exiles – Michael Frost

Also, I am almost always reading something fiction. In the last month I’ve read a couple books by Karen Kingsbury, and a few others by Linda Nichols, Hannah Alexander, and Kristen Heitzmann.

And I skim 100 blogs in my spare time.

Favorite current TV:
Dancing with the Stars (I like the top 4.)
American Idol (Go Blake!)
Grey’s Anatomy
I enjoy watching these with the kids:
House and Bones

Coffee – I like it strong and black
Margaritas – only when we go out for Mexican food
Wine – I usually prefer a shiraz or riesling

I like almost anything except country.
My radio is tuned to a christian station.
I like David Crowder, Chris Tomlin, Todd Agnew.
For worship lately, I am enjoying Kimberly Rivera.

About blogging:
I started blogging at a very lonely time in my life. I really had no one I could talk to about what we had experienced at our former church.

The blog became a place for me to express thoughts that I couldn’t voice anywhere else. It also became a record of the detoxing process and our journey from that point.

It is now where I sort through and process all that I am learning. I have come to value greatly the interaction with those who respond to the things that I post. In fact, that is where I learn the most, as others bring perspective and nuance to the things I am wondering about.

I appreciate those who take the time to read and/or comment here. Therefore, I attempt to respond to comments consistently, although regretfully not always promptly due to limited computer time during the week.

I would like for this to be comfortable place where you feel welcome to join the conversation. I would love to have an opportunity to get to know you also.

If you are new or have been a lurker, how about saying hello and sharing:
a. A little something about you. AND/OR
b. What is the focus of your blog writing or reading.

If you are a regular, how about saying hello and sharing:
a. A little-known something about you. AND/OR
b. A burning question you’ve always wanted to ask me. ;)

Don’t be shy!

43 thoughts on “Getting Acquainted

  1. Hi Grace …

    Hmmm … something little known about me. How’s this? When I first went to college I declared as a physical anthropology major … I was going to find “the missing link.” I’ve since given that up. But it made for a very interesting conversation with my daughter the other day.

    Burning question … haven’t got one ;-) Are you still enjoying that beautiful kitchen? I’m still jealous …

  2. Hi Grace,

    New to your blog, but really enjoying your writing and your heart. Having experienced a seriously similar situation in my CLB, I’m working toward healing and moving forward with the calling on my life. I am engaging the emerging conversation as well and hope to see people become free as they experience true grace, not the counterfeit of religion and control. My blog is telling about our journey, my reflections on it and what our little band of refugees are going to do with what we learn.

  3. I cut pasted and edited your blog wording then inserted my own information. I am middle-aged as well (52, but I don’t wear bifocals yet either).

My wife and I will celebrate our 32nd anniversary this year. 

We have 4 children – daughter 28 married, one grandson five weeks old, son 25, son 23 married, daughter 19.
    I have worked in food service for the past 35 years.

We made the decision to have our kids go to public school mostly because we wanted them ready to face the real world. It mostly worked, we sent our oldest to private Christian school for 4th and 5th grade but the reentry into 6th was damaging. She has recovered and makes a great mom.
    We were heavily involved as members and occasional leaders in an ecumenical charismatic Christian Community, part of the Sheparding movement until the **** hit the fan. 

Now we attend a large seeker-style Vineyard church, enjoy the fellowship of the other refugees from the CLB (community left behind) who also attend there.
    Our church considers it self part of the Emerging Church movement…time will tell.

Currently reading
Visioneering – Andy Stanley
    – Sex God – Rob Bell
    – God’s Politics – Jim Wallis

    Want to read- 
Dreaming with God – Bill Johnson

    Recently Read
    – Transformed into Fire – Judith Houghen
    – On Food and Cooking – Harold McGee

    Favorite current TV:

    Battlestar Gallectia
    American Idol
    The Unit (who knows why) 


Coffee – I like it strong and black
as well, the company I work for has a roaster so I am spoiled.
    Wine – I usually prefer French red’s between $8 and $15 a bottle
    I like David Crowder, David Ruis, Matt Redman.
    For worship lately, I am enjoying Rita Springer and some of Jason Upton.
    About blogging:
I started blogging to get what was in my head out. I had a group of folks I emailed regularly that grew then I discovered blogging, so I get it out there. Mostly just things that pop into my head.
The blog became a place for me to express thoughts that I couldn’t voice anywhere else. (ditto)
I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog but I like it so I read it regularly. Thanks
    I ran a food bank and soup kitchen for several years, then started and ran a not for profit restaurant for poor people. We were open 4 years before we ran out of money. I am currently working for a high end caterer and working on my next not for profit adventure.

  4. Grace,

    I’m not sure if I’m a “lurker” or a “regular”. When it comes to reading, I’m a “regular”. But I’ve only commented a few times, so maybe I’m a “regular”. So, I’ll do all four of your questions:

    1. A little something about me can be found in this interview.

    2. What is the focus of your blog. Also found in the interview…. but the focus is the church.

    3. A little-known something about you. ummm… I’m afraid to say this, because you might take me off of your “link love” (thank you, by the way). Well, here goes anyway… I don’t consider myself emerging, though I do appreciate many of the things that the emerging/missional folks are writing.

    4. A burning question I’ve always wanted to ask you… hmmmm… are those your feet?


  5. Hi Sonja.
    Very interesting about the anthropology major. I wonder if that’s what the gal in Bones is.
    Yes we’re enjoying the kitchen, especially the dishwasher.

    It’s nice to meet you. I think those of us who come out of systems of control have a deep appreciation for grace and liberty.
    Blessings to you and your group of refugees!

    Thanks for sharing about yourself. Funny how many similarities we have (although I’m younger ;) just for the record).

    I would like to read some Rob Bell too. I also enjoy Jason Upton.

    Your not-for-profit adventures sound very interesting. I love hearing the stories of what people are doing.

    I enjoyed the interview and your blog.

    About #3, I didn’t expect that everyone I listed would self-identify as emerging. However I feel that your indepth study and writing about the church and how it functions make you a valuable voice in the conversation. That is why I added you to the list of those that I feel should be more widely read by emerging/missional persons.

    About #4, yes, those are my feet. I had a picture of my face posted for about 2 days, but decided to take it down. So I put up my feet instead.

  6. I don’t think I’ve been subscribed long enough to be considered a lurker, but since I’ve never commented (in the 1 week or so that I’ve been here) I’ll go with that…lurker!

    A little something about me: I’m a missional Christian working at a fairly traditional church. You can imagine some pretty interesting conversations take place in our meetings. :)

    The focus of my blog is three-fold: evangalism, technology, administration. Kind of a mixed bag. I write to the non-believer, although probably 75% of my readers are Christian. I often anger the Christians, and frankly I’m okay with that.

    Oh…David Crowder…the best ever!

    Thanks for writing and asking us to share.

  7. I will add my comments too but looking at the clock…I need to get ready for work. CYA Later.

  8. Hi Grace, I’m a relatively new reader, I’ve tuned in a few times in the last month. I’m a recent university graduate, hopefully heading off to seminary this fall or next, hoping to teach university-level theology eventually. That’s something about me…you can read a full “biography” here if you want.

    My blog is focused a lot on spiritual growth, I think, maybe, I’m not sure. It’s got miscellaneous stuff in between. That’s what it’s been more recently anyway. And I love discussing emerging church/postmodern stuff, figuring out what I think about it.

    I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far, and look forward to more!

  9. Hi Grace, I feel like we’ve all been sitting down to have a coffee and get to know one another. What a great idea. I read your blog every day but don’t often comment, only because I have to give what you’ve said some thought. That’s good btw, you cause me to think. I would call myself missional/emergent although there does not seem to be a concrete definition of what that is yet. My family and I attend a seeker-sensitive church in a small community.
    I’m currently reading ‘Forgotten among the Lilies, learning to love beyond our fears’ by Ronald Rolheiser. He talks about our desire to know and be known by God and others, which is why I find the blogging world frustrating and thought provoking at the same time. I am always wrestling with whether I should continue. So far, so good. Tomorrow, not so sure, if you know what I mean.

  10. Great to come across your blog. Thanks for introducting yourself. I am a twentysomething husband, soon-to-be-father, blogger, thinker, who is interested in church happening in new and different ways to impact our world.

    I look forward to hearing more from you and reading a new (to me) blog.

  11. Just saying hi. I’m 54 and there is nothing wrong with wearing bi-focals (a pain, but a lot of life is). Always enjoy reading you – started when you first put your feet online. :-)


  12. Grace,

    Been reading for while. Am not sure if I’ve ever commented, though.

    I think my blog tends to fall into the emerging/missional/confused arena. I do find that my blog has been a great place for me to voice my thoughts, feelings, questions and interact with wonderful people.

    I’m married, 3 kids, and my husband used to be on staff at a church.

    I love the feet.

  13. Matt,
    It’s nice to meet you. Being a missional person in a traditional setting, can be either interesting or frustrating. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a good day at work!

    Thanks for your comments. Your latest post on the suburbs was interesting. I also really enjoyed Todd’s article, and I’m still processing his thoughts about consumerism, comfort, and safety.
    Congratulations on your upcoming marriage.

    Hi Sue! Sad to say I’m not great at commenting often either. It seems like the stars have to line up just right or something. I meant to tell you (way back) that I thought the fireplace makeover was awesome. What a transformation!

    The blog world really is interesting as far as being known. What is curious is that complete strangers, whom we’ll probably never meet, are often given the privilege of access to our deepest thoughts and feelings that we, for whatever reason, may not share with many of the real people in our lives.

    Maybe that’s why I keep blogging. Most of the people in my real life aren’t ready to hear my thoughts about church.

    Nice to meet you! Your post about Shane Claiborne and the discussion following the post were very interesting. I could certainly relate to some of your thoughts.
    BTW, I’m glad that you like “average blogs.” :)
    Blessings to you and your new baby. You are about to embark on the most awesome adventure.

    It is always great seeing you here. I’m especially grateful for my old (not in age) blog friends. You guys make this place feel like home to me.

    LOL about the “confused” blogging. I can certainly relate to that. I found your 100 list very interesting! It sounds like we are in the same boat with older teenagers. It’s nice to meet you.

  14. I don’t comment here near as often as I would like to. Your posts are always so intriguing to me, but we tend to just mutually lurk at each other’s blogs! ;)

    I’m a 30-something (late 30’s) who’s been-there-done-that with institutional church in so many forms, and have been really actively seeking a simple church (some would call it house church) version of church for about 3 years now.

    Professionally, I’m a musician (pianist) working in both the classical music world (accompanying music majors at a University) and musical theater (music director at a professional stage company), as well as a recording artist.

    My blog, however, has nothing to do with music! LOL I wrestle through many different aspects of theology and ecclesiology.

    I don’t really self-identify as emerging or missional, but relate to so much of the conversation. There is much in common there, I believe, which is why I like your blog so much.

    The burning question I have is a serious one (since Alan stole my not-serious question about the feet!): Since you don’t really feel like you fit in at the church you currently attend (if I understand some of the comments you’ve made about it before), why do you attend, and what do you hope to accomplish there?

    I don’t mean that in any accusatory way. Part of my search, however, is trying to understand the reasons that people stay in the institution.

    Blessings, grace!
    steve :)

  15. Hiya, Grace.
    I’m a lurker mostly, as I’ve only posted one comment before now. So, a little about me? Well, my blog is called Honest Faith and it’s pretty much summed up in the title – it’s about honesty in faith and comments on the church, God and Christianity in general.

    I’m Pentecostal by church background but not necessarily by my own self-definition. Certainly I have problems with some of the theology and practices associated with pentecostalism.

    I’m a theology graduate and sometime youth leader / occasional worship leader. I occasionally speak (I don’t like the term “preach” as it doesn’t really fit) in church.

    In the “real world” I teach eight- and nine-year-olds with special needs. I live east of the Atlantic Ocean. I’m a sometime Welsh language activist (a subject about which I still feel strongly, being Welsh) and I love Indian food, modern jive dancing and the Welsh rugby team.

  16. I am middle-aged (48) and do wear bifocals …first year).
    My wife and I will celebrate our 2rd anniversary this summer.
    We have 3 teenage children – daughter 20, son 17, and daughter 15.
    We attend a Spirit-Filled Lutheran Church
    We are involved in deliverance and counseling ministry and are becoming more missional in our relationships outside the church.
    Currently reading –
    Suddenly Your World Falls Apart: A Guide To Grieving Well by Nancy Markworth Brown
    U2 by U2
    Recently read –
    Some Tony Hillerman Novels
    Healing Lifes Hurts by Edward M. Smith
    Favorite current TV:
    CSI in all its varieties
    The Office
    Coffee – Cappucino
    Jameson Irish Whiskey – once in a while
    Wine – Learning to like reds…McWilliams Shiraz is a current fave
    I like almost anything except country.
    My radio is sometimes tuned to a christian station.
    I like Tobymac, The Violet Burning, Hawk Nelson, Family Force 5, Newsboys, Superchick, Stellar Kart and Pocket Full of Rocks among other Christian artists.
    I also love U2, REM, and numerous other “80’s” bands as well as Irish music.

  17. Although I have read your blog for a while, I should introduce myself – I’m not sure if I have made a comment here before.

    I’m Heather and my blog is about the thoughts I have re: the journey my husband and I are currently on. It encompasses mostly growth in Christ-related things, but occassionally I’ll talk about my fammily.

    We are formerly in ministry and currently seeking the Lord on what He has for our lives … your blog has been eye-opening and I find your posts insightful.


  18. Dear Grace,

    I have been reading your blog regulary since last fall when my family and I left our church community. We’d been members for 14 years. In the last few years I had become very active in building our children’s ministry and had joined the staff. And then….the **** hit the fan!:)
    It is a long and sorry story, not all that different from your own in quality and outcome.
    I have been wanting to tell you and some of your readers that a professional psychologist in our parish is pretty sure our “senior pastor” is suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder.
    That is–this person views others as either an extension of himself/herself or as a threat. I believe it is a diagnosable mental illness. Some of the behaviors that I’ve heard you and others describe here sound very similar to the abuse we have suffered.
    I have found so much solace in your blog for my loneliness, anger, and vexing questions about the nature of Christian leadership, the distribution and use of resources in the church and how any of this is compatible with what Jesus asks us to do.
    I thank you.
    I can see that you and others here are not just “venting” (though your permission for having the full range of emotions has allowed me a crucial safety valve)but being honest and gracious, though fully human, in searching for understanding. You are helping me to detox too.
    Grace, you are a clear thinker and writer with wisdom of humility and great insight. Have you considered that God is being “missional” through you right now. I am relatively new to the emerging/missional language, so forgive me if I am not fully grasping the meaning of missional, but your blog has been a ministry for me as I’m sure it’s been for others. You’ve given me hope and a pinky finger to hold on to while I try to reintegrate myself into the body of Christ.
    Your writing and insight has been as good as any I’ve read in a book and I am an academic by training.
    Sharing that thing with the world which gives you ultimate joy and meaning, in other words, sharing the gifts God gave you for the joy and redemption of others is missional. Isn’t it?
    Take care. I will keep reading. Bye for now.

  19. Steve,
    Mutual lurking is good. :)
    I do my reading early in the morning, so often the best comment I can come up with is “Oh that was really good!” which I feel about all of your posts.
    I find your profession fascinating.

    As to your question, that is the million dollar question. I wish that I knew the answer. In fact, I try not to think of it too much. However, these are excellent questions.

    Why do I attend?
    My kids like it.
    Now my friends attend there also, so I enjoy seeing them on Sunday morning.
    We aren’t really connected anywhere else.

    What do I hope to accomplish there?
    To keep an open mind to what God is doing in the church.
    To stay in fellowship with the body.
    To behave myself. ;)

    I’m glad that you asked, and it’s always good to get some outside perspective. Feel free to comment on my reasons.

    I didn’t get you bookmarked last time you commented, but I’ve got you now. I’ll be sure to stop by for a visit.
    Your work sounds rewarding. And your interests sound…interesting!
    Thanks for sharing about yourself.

    Your taste in music surprised me. I love Tobymac too.

    It’s nice to meet you. I recognize you from Alan’s blog.
    I noticed on your site that you mentioned grace-based parenting. The book “Families Where Grace is in Place” by Jeff Vondervan was one of the most helpful parenting books I ever read. Due to how you phrased that, I was wondering if you read it also.
    Blessings to you and your family on your journey.

    I am sorry to hear that you find yourself in this situation.
    I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the remainder of your post. It is so encouraging to hear that sharing my struggles could help others who are also struggling.
    What a great perspective about being missional. Maybe it is about sharing all that we are (weaknesses and strengths) in the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
    Your words are a treasure to me today. Thank you for taking the time to share them.

  20. grace, thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly. And I’m glad you think my posts are good. There have been some really controversial things over there lately, so it’s always nice to hear when someone thinks they’re good! ;)

    By the way, I noticed that the one post you chose to comment on was the one that was the most “missional” in its content. Is that the secret to getting you to comment more? ;) hehe

    With regard to your answers, I don’t really have any thoughts, other than to say that your answers are exactly why my wife and I are trying very hard not to expect others to act/react the same way we do.

    For us, we just couldn’t stay when our hearts weren’t in it, ya know? But I respect where you’re at, and I pray that God will make His direction to you (should a change be His desire) very clear to you.

    “House church” is not an easy task here in our area, either. Right now, we are blessed to have a few families that we are starting to gather with, but there have been some really dry spells.

  21. Grace, I have written a few times, but I don’t suppose I’ve ever properly introduced myself.

    I began blogging at a very dark time in my life as well. I had been through a very difficult church fight, my Christian walk was in shambles because I had ignored God’s call for several years, my marriage was headed towards wreckage, but in God’s grace I was beginning to awaken to the fact that He still loved me and was calling out to me. Blogging was an outlet for me and was one medium through which I began to hear God a little more clearly. Tara and I had ignored the call to the mission field because it just “didn’t make sense” with all that we had “accomplished” in our lives/careers.

    As for me, I am now a missionary. My family of 5 (Tara, myself, and our three children, Tanner (8), Keaton (5) and Regan (3)) are all in England at the King’s Lodge (a YWAM base) about to begin a Crossroads Discipleship Training School. God saved us from the potential familial wreck we faced. I was an attorney. My wife is an occupational therapist.

    We are fully support-based in our ministry (without incomes). I will be chronicling our experience from time to time at my blog. God has blessed us immensely and our family is growing closer to God and to one another.

    Best feet on the internet.

  22. I didn’t realize the first comment took, I then read some of the other comments, and ultimately I added the one line about your feet… so, two nearly identical comments, but the second one is more complete. Feel free to delete the first. :)

  23. Grace,

    A little-known fact about me — no, your dreams of hearing me confess to secretly liking disco will go unfulfilled — is that, to my chagrin as a good Scottish-Canadian, I belive that haggis is a sign of the end times.


    Like Grace, we currently attend an “institutional” church on Sundays. Our reasons are similar to Grace’s, although I would add that — as our own detox journey continued — we came to realize that there are “real” Christians everywhere, and that house churches could be every bit as toxic and controlling as any CLB we’d come across. We just connect with “people of the Spark” wherever we find them, and stay out of the politics (leadership).


    Cool to hear about your Crossroads DTS! Wendy & I are currently staffing at Crossroads here at YWAM Okanagan. We’ll have to compare notes and swap stories sometime!

  24. Robbymac, I definitely hope to do that. Also check out my blog from time to time; I will be journaling there. Yesterday I wrote about our “anxiety in Asda.” :) Even as i type this I am reminded that although all is in my same language even the keyboard is set up differently.

  25. Wow, grace. You have amassed yourself quite a few readers, which I knew was gonna happen BEFORE you started blogging:).

    Now Church Left Behind doesn’t have anything to do with the Left Behind series, does it?

  26. Grace,
    Sorry, once again I’m late to the game…

    Okay, a little known thing about me… hhmmm… I’m actually not antagonistic in real life. ;)

    Little known fact: I am built to reject anything mainstream. On a subconsious level I (almost exclusively) reject following the crowd. I have done this all my life. If it’s hip or cool I won’t be into it; however, if there is something that I like that happens to be popular it is because I discovered it first.

    My burning question: Have you ever wanted to not be anonymous (blog-wise I mean)? If so, do you have a plan to one day own your stuff (meaning I.D. yourself)?

  27. Grace,
    I found my way back. I use to stop by more often. Thanks for letting us know some more about you.

    I like your feet.

    And your courage.

  28. hi grace,

    this is my first time here. rick meigs pointed me in this direction in one of his posts.

    i look forward to your conversations here:)


  29. Steve,
    I knew you would respect where we are at for now. I hope that we find more clarity as we continue in our journey.

    I wasn’t aware of the struggle you went through to get to the place where you are now. I am enjoying the reports of your adventures in England and pray that this will be a fruitful season for you and your family.

    I can’t believe you’ve revealed my secret fantasy to the whole world! ;)
    Haggis sounds similar to the “black pie” that Bryan described a few days ago. I wonder who dreams up these things.

    Thank you. As I said to Bruce earlier, I am especially grateful for my old friends who still choose to stop by.

    Thanks for sharing a little about yourself.

    It’s always great to see you. I know you’ve been busy with having the girls home. It was a great picture of the 6 of you. Seeing you guys together reminds me of how fun it is when I’m able to get together with my sisters and parents, with nonstop chatter and laughter.

    Thanks to everyone for taking a little time to share about yourselves. I’ve bookmarked everyone in my blogreader. I hope to get more familiar with you at your blog too.

  30. Hey Grace,

    I’m shy. :)

    But at least we’re feet sistahs! And soon, our bathroom renovation will be complete, and we’ll be reno sistahs.

    And, oh, yeah, that sistah-in-Christ thing…the best one of all.

    I swear I have more depth than this comment implies…and my blog (most of the time)…:/

  31. Grace,

    My REAL name is Kimber. I’ve been out of the blogosphere for a while due to fatigue. Graceful Journey is my best friend IRL.

    What color is the polish??

  32. Hi Brad,
    Thanks for stopping by. I recognize your name from some other blogs that I read. Your ministry with youth sounds fulfilling.

    Thanks for linking to the underlying issues post. I look forward to having you in the conversation also.

    Yes, you’re so shy!
    What’s the latest with the bathroom reno? I didn’t understand the hole in the tile.

    I happen to love your blog and your writing style. I have no idea why my writing comes across as deep because I’m really quite shallow.;)

    Hi Kimber!
    It’s nice to see you back at your blog. Sorry to here about the fatique. I hope that “joy” overtakes you. I will have to check out your friend’s blog also.

    Great question…
    the nail color is called RED HOT!

  33. Hey Grace. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much in comments lately. I do keep up reading though. You may have noticed I haven’t been around my own blog much lately either ;-)

    I think you may know more about me than anyone else in the blogosphere, but here’s something of no relevance but as yet unknown: I’m allergic to grapes.

    I appreciate you, Grace.

  34. Grace, WAAHOOOOO! We can at least use the shower again :)! No, wait, that smile isn’t big enough, how’s this: :D

    We’re waiting on the last step…wallpaper. After painting it ourselves, and not being satisfied with the color, we found a FABULOUS paper to go with our tile/countertops/cabinets. Once we get the sheetrocked hung (where the hole was), we’ll get to the paper. Have I mentioned this has been going on for five months???

    Appreciate your words here…always.

  35. hi Grace,
    I just found your blog via Brian Riley’s blog. I have a heart to see women being unleashed to become missional- to go and make disciples.
    My husband and I have detoxed- mostly- and we are involved a network of Simple CHurches in Dallas/Fort Worth. It has been a great adventure- although the ministry mentors we left behind don’t really support the simple church model. We have chosen to please God rather than man. It has been nice to simplify the way we do church. Blessings to you.
    I will include in on my blog at

  36. Cindy,
    Always great to see you, here or at your blog!
    I have never heard of a grape allergy. Do you get hives?

    I am so happy for you. It is such a great feeling to finish a project. I definitely know the feeling of remodeling that seems to go on forever. We should do our kids’ bathroom this summer.
    I’m looking forward to seeing the pictures when you’re done.

  37. Hi Grace,

    Thanks for your sharing. I have been a reader for the past year. I have appreciated your insights along with others. Yes, we too, even tho Canadian, are among the CLB crew. It has been a year of grieving, growing, and rethinking church.

    I developed some Questionnaires– for my continued research of the “leaving church” phenomenon–if anyone is interested in participating. Let me know. :) As yet, I don’t have my own blog.

    From the other side of what I call “the muddy tunnel”, I have made some observations re the “process” of getting from there to a place of spiritual harmony. Talk to you later. Barb

  38. Hey Grace, I just found out about your blog via reading your response to “TPFNATC” and have been looking through some of your recent articles. I wanted to say how truly happy I am to see that your dreadful experience at the CLB hasn’t caused you to reject the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and the good things that God is doing in the Church in this hour.

    I noticed you had Dreaming with God by Bill Johnson in your book list. I love that book! I’m a huge fan of Bill’s teachings (though of course I’m very careful not to go into personality cult territory!!!), and I particularly liked that book’s emphasis on “unchurchy” creative pursuits. Mark Batterson (another author/teacher I really love) says that the Church should be the most creative place in the world, and I agree!

    BTW, I have a blog where I write about spiritual topics (and probably will start focusing on the emerging/missional movement a bit more):

    I’ll make sure I point people your way!

    Blessings, Jared

  39. no- not hives. projectile vomit and various other unlpleasant gastric reactions– simultaneously. aren’t you glad you asked? ;-) you might guess that i’m extremely conservative with the communion cup.

  40. thought i’d say hi, first time reader and commentator.

    I’m 31, an accountant by qualification, 1 wife, 2 boys 3 and 1 and a brand new patio :)

    Seen those feet around in a few blogs i hang out in so i thought i’d come and see where they lived…

  41. Beth,
    It’s really nice to meet you. I look forward to reading more about your adventures with simple church.

    It is good to be out of that muddy tunnel, isn’t it! If you’re interested, starting a blog with blogger is really easy, 1,2,3 and you have your own blog.

    It’s nice to meet you also.
    I visited your blog and really appreciated your excitement about living as a disciple in a dynamic and life-changing reality.

    Sorry to hear that! One last burning question ;)…can you drink wine?

    Hi Paul,
    I already feel like I know you a little. I added your blog to my reader after appreciating some of your comments at Molly’s blog.
    Your posts are always interesting. I may have commented once or twice.
    And yes, I believe there are a few other blogs that we mutually visit.
    Anyway, nice to officially meet you. Please feel free to add your voice to the conversations here too.

  42. Grace- to answer your burning question, sadly no. Not wine, nothing prepared with Balsamic vinegar, nothing with raisins (read the ingredients on your worchestershire sauce), nothing with fumaric acid (which comes from grapes.) grapes are only the top of the restricted foods list, but they’re the worst. Though actaully not the hardest to avoid. You are a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?

  43. Hi Grace and All,

    I took the liberty of posting 6 questions. The topic area centers around those who have gone through a “process” after their negative and grievous church experience.

    What really helped you go from a state of disillusionment to a point of healing and spiritual stability?

    1. What have you found to be most helpful regarding your “spiritual recovery” from a negative church experience? Basically, what types of help did you find both necessary and helpful to move you forward in Christ after your negative church experience? What worked for you?

    (This may include comfort from certain Scripture passages; consolation by a friend or a minister; involvement in a small support group; advice from others; going to a retreat; reading particular books (Please give titles.); or a combination of these.)

    2. After this experience how was your view of God’s Word changed or affected?

    3. After this experience what Scripture passages were very meaningful to you and why?

    4. Would you say that something was shaken in your understanding of your personal identity in Christ? Could you explain?

    5. When your confidence in the church was shaken how did this affect your understanding of your identity in Christ corporately, in the Body of Christ?

    6. If you think of the above as a process, what elements would you recommend to others who have faced a similar situation?

    I think these questions should stimulate some reflection and dialog. Looking forward to your responses.
    Thanks, In Him, Barb

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